Write content that
AI search engines love

Optimize your content for AI search engines like Google AI Overview, SearchGPT or Perplexity.
Robot loves WriteAttention

Having trouble ranking on AI search engines?

Do AI search engines like Google AI Overview and SearchGPT seem like black boxes to you? Are your traditional SEO methods not working on AI search engines anymore? Having trouble understanding what the AI actually considers relevant? searchattention is here to help!

Write & analyze content for AI search engines

searchattention helps you write content that AI search engines love. We do this by providing you with relevancy scores, AI heatmaps and insights.
WriteAttention demo

What our customers say

"Thanks to SearchAttention, we managed to convince our clients to expand their marketing efforts to AI Search platforms"
Rick, SEO Manager TEAM LEWIS


Get relevancy scores in real-time

Get relevancy scores while you type. Relevancy scores gives you an indication on how relevant your content is for a search intent.

Generate AI heatmaps

Generate AI heatmaps for specific search intents. AI heatmaps show you which parts of your content is used by the AI to answer the intent.

Case study: BirdBuddy

Together with Rick from TEAM LEWIS, we analysed different blog articles regarding their AI search performance. Our analysis showed that content was not optimally structured for AI search.

1. Blog article

Identify underperforming articles

2. Search intent & AI response

Target high-volume search intents and leverage AI to generate an AI response.

3. AI heatmap generation

Visualize insights with heatmaps

4. Analysis

Gain actionable insights

Ready to understand AI search engines?